Article archive

01/28/2025 15:06
President Ronald Hall will lead a West Who delegation to visit eight European nations in late February.  Foreign Minister Michael Farr said he and Minister of Citizen Affairs John Farr will accompany the President on the tour, which will include stops in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia,...
01/07/2025 14:41
According to the West Who Census Bureau, 88 individuals were granted citizenship in the Republic of West Who in 2024, bringing the nation's total population to 626.  Minister of Citizen Affairs John Farr highlighted that this marks a notable 14% growth rate.  He also pointed out that West...
01/06/2025 18:30
Is West Who at risk of losing to China and the U.S. in the race to send people back to the Moon's surface?  Will the next astronauts to walk on the Moon be from a micronation?  NASA landed 12 American astronauts on the lunar surface between 1969 and 1972.  Now, China, the U.S. and...
12/06/2024 18:15
The West Who Senate unanimously passed the Clean & Green Act aimed at encouraging citizens to plant trees to help support the world environment.  The new law reads as follows: Clean and Green Act of 2024 - The Senate of the Republic of West Who strongly urges and encourages all citizens to...
11/04/2024 18:35
The West Who Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass Senate Bill 6, the Supreme Court Terms and Causes for Removal bill.  The new law which reads as follows will be added to the West Who Basic Law - Justices to the West Who Supreme Court are appointed by the President to a three year term which...
10/21/2024 18:33
The Foreign Ministry announced that the leader of the Republic of Sevoria, Tiago Amiinatore and President Ronald Hall have signed a Friendship Treaty establishing formal relations between the two nations.  Sevoria is a micronation located in the Ukraine.  The Republic of Sevoria is the...
10/14/2024 12:12
Foreign Minister Michael Farr has left West Who on a diplomatic and goodwill tour of the Kingdom of Thailand.  Among his scheduled stops will be visits to an elephant sancuary.  Minister Farr has been an advocate of good treatment of wildlife.  Farr also plans to scuba dive and visit...
09/16/2024 18:02
The Ministry of Citizen Affairs announced that film maker John Farr has produced a short documentary video about West Who's first micronational war in 1971 against the nation of Iswas.  The film can be viewed by clicking this link -  
08/20/2024 13:23
Foreign Minister Michael Farr began a diplomatic visit to Washington, D.C. aiming to engage with U.S. President Joe Biden.  However, his request for a meeting was declined by the White House.  Farr had sought to discuss the possibility of U.S. recognition of micronations within its...
07/19/2024 18:09
In a swift beginning to his presidency, Ron Hall the new President of West Who has made three significant appointments within his first month in office.  Amirali Abdollahi has been named the newest Supreme Court Justice, succeeding Ramesh Kumar who was elected Vice President in the recent...
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Interesting Information

Republic of West Who -                      A happy place for everyone! 

Since 1969 West Who has been an independent nation, with citizens living in over 55 nations around the world.


West Who Intelligence Service, the world's smallest spy agency.  Check out the people who keep West Who safe.   



Check out the West Who Flag video on YouTube West Who National Anthem


Horton Hears a Who is the favorite reading book of West Who children.     

MicroCon 2019 in Canada was attended by 44 micronations including West Who, check out the video of events MicroCon 2019


The West Who Space and Planet Exploration Agency - Can West Who put a person on the Moon?

What is a micronation? Watch this HBO/Vice News story and find out. It features MicroCon 2017 an international summit of micronations, including West Who. 


West Who ID cards are available to citizens for $35 US dollars or ($175 West Who dollars).  Contact the Ministry of Citizen Affairs for more information. Instagram West Who
MicroCon 2019 former President Farr

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The Whoville News is a member of The Micronational Press Council which is responsible for promoting good standards of media practice, community access to information of public interest, and freedom of expression through micronational media.


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is located in Denver, Colorado
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