Article archive

05/14/2020 12:07
President William Farr and Vice President Sarah Roberts announced that they will seek re-election to office in the upcoming West Who general elections slated for June of this year.  Farr and Roberts won a landslide victory last year in the largest voter turnout in West Who history....
04/14/2020 21:41
​ The West Who Senate voted to enact into law a method to impeach West Who government officials for wrongdoing.  Over 70% of our Senators voted in favor of the new law, which is now added to the West Who Basic Law, the constitution of the Republic of West Who.  The law reads " An...
04/08/2020 14:42
Foreign Minister Michael Farr announced that officials of the Principality of Woodlandia and the Republic of West Who signed a Friendship Treaty recognizing each nation and opening diplomatic relations. Woodlandia is located in Ontario, Canada and is the 23rd nation to establish official relations...
03/20/2020 13:21
California closed its border with the Republic of West Who due to the ongoing Coronavirus.  California Governor Gavin Newsome ordered a statewide quarantine which has effectively closed the border with West Who for the foreseeable future.  West Who Ministry of Health officials...
03/04/2020 18:25
Foreign Minister Michael Farr led a West Who delegation on a diplomatic visit to the Republic of Uzupio located in the capital city of Lithuania.  Former President John Farr and West Who astronaut Ron Hall accompanied the Foreign Minister on the first visit by West Who officials to the...
01/07/2020 14:00
  New Republic of West Who currency was officially released today by the Treasury Department.  The five dollar bill features President Farr and the one dollar bill features Vice President Roberts.  The reverse side of the five has a space capsule highlighting the West Who Space...
12/01/2019 15:38
The West Who Postal Service released a new stamp series of micronational flags.  The flags feature countries that have friendly diplomatic relations with West Who.  The series features the flags of the Aarian Union, Principality of Aigues Mortes, Kingdom of Felzand, Kingdom of jupiter,...
11/22/2019 12:36
West Who Foreign Minister Michael Farr arrived in Palawan, Philippines to participate in scuba dive of WW2 Japanese boats.  This is the Foreign Minister's first official visit to the Philippines as a government official.  Farr is participating in a scuba dive of several Janpanese boats...
10/24/2019 16:29
The West Who Space Agency officially known as the Space and Planet Exploration Agency SPEA launched a website to better acquaint the public with the activities of the space agency.  Director Kevin Farr said SPEA is at the forefront of micronations with space programs.  "We want to broaden...
10/15/2019 15:38
President Farr appointed Patricio De La Plaza as the Republic of West Who Ambassador to Chile. De La Plaza a long time citizen of West Who resides in Chile. "We are pleased to have Senor De La Plaza representing West Who in the capital of Chile."  The Foreign Ministry said De La Plaza is the...
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Interesting Information

Republic of West Who -                      A happy place for everyone! 

Since 1969 West Who has been an independent nation, with citizens living in over 55 nations around the world.


West Who Intelligence Service, the world's smallest spy agency.  Check out the people who keep West Who safe.   



Check out the West Who Flag video on YouTube West Who National Anthem


Horton Hears a Who is the favorite reading book of West Who children.     

MicroCon 2019 in Canada was attended by 44 micronations including West Who, check out the video of events MicroCon 2019


The West Who Space and Planet Exploration Agency - Can West Who put a person on the Moon?

What is a micronation? Watch this HBO/Vice News story and find out. It features MicroCon 2017 an international summit of micronations, including West Who. 


West Who ID cards are available to citizens for $35 US dollars or ($175 West Who dollars).  Contact the Ministry of Citizen Affairs for more information. Instagram West Who
MicroCon 2019 former President Farr

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The Whoville News is a member of The Micronational Press Council which is responsible for promoting good standards of media practice, community access to information of public interest, and freedom of expression through micronational media.


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is located in Denver, Colorado
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