General Information
How to collect West Who stamps?
Millions of people around the world collect stamps. Add West Who postage stamps to your collection today. The latest release of West Who stamps features a set of three stamps "Nature and Exploration". The stamps pictured here are a set of wildlife stamps taken by West Who citizens. You can purchase the set of mint stamps for $5.00 U.S. or $15.00 West Who currency. Shipping included. Contact us via e-mail ( to purchase your WEST WHO Stamps.
Is West Who a real country?
The Republic of West Who is a self-declared sovereign nation founded in 1969, located in the state of Colorado, USA. West Who has its own government, flag, currency, stamps, passports and other symbols of sovereignty. West Who has an elected president, a constitution called the Basic Law, a Senate and Supreme Court. The Republic of West Who is not internationally recognized by nations that currently belong to the United Nations, however it is recognized by numerous other micronations.
Can I become a citizen of West Who?
It's free so go ahead and become a citizen of the Republic of West Who. To become a citizen of West Who, complete the citizenship application on this website. It is simple, easy and fun. This is know as dual citizenship. The Government of West Who allows you to keep your current citizenship and be a citizen of West Who as well. Enjoy your former national heritage as well as, that of West Who.
Foreign Relations with the Republic of West Who
The Republic of West Who is interested in diplomatic relations with other nations. Micronations must be at least one year old before West Who will begin the process of establishing friendly relations. Contact Foreign Minister Michael Farr at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
West Who has diplomatic relations with the following 49 nations: Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, Virtual State of Drakonberg, Principality of Hashima, Aarian Union of North America, Kingdom of Flezand, Principality of Aigues Mortes, Kingdom of Jupiter and Greater Territories, Principality of Santino, Grand Duchy Westartica, Kingdom of Ruritania, Republique du Saugeais, Iustus Republic, Principality of Santino, Commonwelth of Dracul, Republic of Scoria, Union of Terrexa, Kingdom of Peace, The Holy Christian Republic of Braunland, Empire of Austenasia, Rovdin Empire, Kingdom of Pibocip, Principality of Woodlandia, Principality of Gumland, Principality of Ferthroy, Grand Republic of Cycoldia, Free State of Florensia, State of Vishwarnitra, Vladastock Confederation, Kingdom of Volletnia, Kingdom of Wojcikslavia & Poland, Republic of Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land, Parliamentary Monarchy of Duckionary, Kingdom of Queensland, Begley Democratic Republic, Confederation Austral of Angosvria, Empire of Asteron, Kingdom of North Barchant, People's Republic of Edristan, Republic of Alrodnia, Kingdom of Winterspell, Respubliko de Lomoria; Pearson Republic; Kingdom of Svenland; Socialist Republic of Cotter Menaceland, Republic of Potatia, Republic of Dostykstan, and the United Empire of Wellington, Republic of Sevoria, Republic of Ayresian Federation.
Can I be elected or appointed to a position?
Yes you can. The nice thing about most micronations is there are plenty of government positions open to its citizens. Become a citizen and tell us what you would enjoy doing. The Republic of West Who holds elections every year in July. You must be a citizen to hold a political office in West Who, to run for President of West Who you must be a citizen for two years, for other offices six months. The President of West Who also appoints citizens to government positions. People serving in the West Who government may not hold government positions in another micronation, with the exception of the West Who Senate.
Can I live in West Who?
Unfortunately no, currently the only land which belongs to the Republic of West Who is land owned by its citizens. There is no island or large piece of land that people can move to or settle. The capital of West Who is Whoville, a single house located in Colorado. It would be great to have a large piece of land where people could move if they desired, so if you win the lottery or have lots of money, donate to the Republic of West Who Land Fund. Contact us at to make a donation.
How to purchase a West Who Passport
West Who citizens may purchase a traditional passport $25 (pictured above) or a credit card style identification card for $35. You pay via PayPal ( or you may send cash in your local currency (or US dollars) to Republic of West Who Passport Services - 2521 S. Zinnia Way, Lakewood, CO 80228 USA. Include the address your passport is to be mailed. Questions contact us at The Republic of West Who passport is valid in 40 micronations, but currently no nation that belongs to the United Nations recognizes or honors Republic of West Who passports.
History of West Who - Over 55 Years of Fun
It all started in 1969, man landed on the Moon and West Who became a country. West Who was named after nice but imaginary people called the Who's in a Dr. Suess childrens book. The history of West Who dates back to the turbulent time of 1969. The nation was established by John Farr. He and Craig Carter, two students from California, decided to create their own countries, naming them West Who and Iswas. Working to develop independent countries the students created their own currency, postage stamps, government, newspapers and other aspects of a nation. The President of West Who and the Prime Minister of Iswas declared their nations independent of the United States where both students lived in 1970. Their junior high friends joined in the fun and made their own countries too. The various mirconations declared war on each other, made alliances and generally enjoyed themselves for a number of years. Over time, West Who developed as an independent micronation. Today it's citizens live across the globe in 55 different nations, and are happy people who are free and independent. For many years elections were sporatic in West Who, but as the nation has grown general elections occur on a yearly basis.
What do the colors of the West Who flag mean?
West Who has a simple flag with three horizantal stripes: Top blue strip stands for Peace & Wisdom, middle black stripe stands for Determination, and the bottom blue stripe stands for Freedom.
Holidays in West Who
Republic Day - "Come Party With Us" is celebrated on July 11th. Republic Day (Independence Day) sparks lots of celebrations in the nation. Dr. Suess Day on March 2 is a national day to encourage reading among children in West Who. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on November 28th. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. Easter - Date varies. The President's Birthday is January 15th. Children's Day - June 13th. Las Vegas Day is a moving holiday usually celebrated during the WWC Basketball Championship Playoffs in early March. Meet Us at the Track Day - West Who horse racing month takes place in October at Santa Anita Race Track in California. St. Norbert Day - June 6.
Can I visit West Who?
Can I visit West Who? Unfortunatly there is no large piece of land that belongs to the Republic of West Who that people can visit. The capital of West Who is a single private house located in Denver, Colorado which in not open to visitors.
Interesting Information
Republic of West Who - A happy place for everyone!
Since 1969 West Who has been an independent nation, with citizens living in over 55 nations around the world.
West Who Intelligence Service, the world's smallest spy agency. Check out the people who keep West Who safe.
Check out the West Who Flag video on YouTube West Who National Anthem
Horton Hears a Who is the favorite reading book of West Who children.
MicroCon 2019 in Canada was attended by 44 micronations including West Who, check out the video of events MicroCon 2019
The West Who Space and Planet Exploration Agency - Can West Who put a person on the Moon?
What is a micronation? Watch this HBO/Vice News story and find out. It features MicroCon 2017 an international summit of micronations, including West Who.
West Who ID cards are available to citizens for $35 US dollars or ($175 West Who dollars). Contact the Ministry of Citizen Affairs for more information.
Follow West Who on Twitter
The Whoville News is a member of The Micronational Press Council which is responsible for promoting good standards of media practice, community access to information of public interest, and freedom of expression through micronational media.
is located in Denver, Colorado Like us at Government of West Who on Facebook. It is an easy way to follow what is going on in our country.