
07/23/2022 22:26
Minister of Citizen Affairs John Farr was a guest on the podcast Micro Improvement, a podcast about various facets of micronations. President Stephen Luke of the Commonwealth of Dracul, the host of Micro Improvement spoke with Minister Farr in the last episode of Season One. The episode focused on...
07/15/2022 14:54
Farr and Hall win West Who National Elections as President and Vice President. William Farr was re-elected at president of West Who in national elections as voting ended yesterday. Farr received 51 votes compared to 21 for his rival Ramesh Kumar. The new Vice President Ronald Hall received 50 votes...
07/07/2022 20:00
The postal services of the Republic of West Who and the Grand Duchy of Westarctica have jointly released a stamp set commemorating the upcoming 2022 MicroCon in Las Vegas, USA. The set features the flags of the four nations that have hosted MicroCons. MicroCon will begin on August 5 in Las Vegas....
06/21/2022 15:26
President Farr will be awarding the 2022 Republic of West Who "Shining Star" Friendship Medal at MicroCon Las Vegas. The friendship medal highlights the West Who Space Program. This is the second time the West Who Senate has authorized a friendship medal according to Presidential Assistant Lindsay...
05/24/2022 19:46
West Who Space Director Kevin Farr received a name patch that was flown on the International Space Station circling the globe 5408 times before it was brought back to Earth on a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft. The Space Agency said this is the first item related to West Who to have flown in outer space.
05/21/2022 16:36
A large snow storm slammed West Who and the Denver regional area. Downed tree branches and power outages hit the Republic of West Who and the larger Denver area. The snow storm dropped over six inches of snow on Whoville today. Civil Services reported hundreds of dollars of damage to trees within...
04/25/2022 17:33   Click here to view the video West Who Films released a short video on YouTube called the West Who Flag Around the World.  The video features West Who citizens "flying the flag" in nations all over the earth.
04/23/2022 13:31
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to announce that the Republic of West Who and the Confederation Austral of Angosvria, a micronation located in South America have signed a treaty of diplomatic relations.  The treaty negotiated by Foreign Minister Michae Farr was signed by...
02/16/2022 16:44
Vice President Sarah Roberts is working with school children and teachers in Panama. The Vice President is on a diplomatic mission for the West Who Ministry of Education and is sharing teaching methods with educators in Panama. Trained in some of the most up to date teaching methods the Vice...
01/22/2022 21:04
The West Who Postal Service issued a new stamp honoring National Police Chief John O'Shea in a ceremony today in Whoville.  The National Police serve both as a police force and military force for the Republic of West Who.  Chief O'Shea was trained by law enforcement in the United States...
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West Who's Founder - John Farr

The Founding Father of West Who was John Farr.  He served as President, diplomat, and early leader of the Republic of West Who. He was a signer of the Federation Treaty between California micronations in the 1970s.
Farr was born into a family of educators in California, USA.  While attending school John Farr and fellow student Craig Carter established two nations independent of the United States in late 1969.  Later known as micronations, Farr was inspired by the founding of the Republic of Minerva in the South Pacific.  He organized the West Who government and served as president of the Republic for many years.  
Farr served as President of West Who from 1969 to 2013, though during the later years little was accomplished in his administration. A proponent of efficient government Farr worked to develop the Basic Law which became the constitution of the Republic of West Who.  President Farr was a key figure in the early stages of the development of the Republic of West Who. An educator and public figure in California, he played a leading role in persuading the West Who Congress to declare independence.  He designed the nation’s flag and was a strong proponent of the West Who Post Office.  Under his guidance the West Who Post Office has designed and printed stamps since the 1970s featuring prominent citizens, the history of West Who and its culture.
The Farr Administration negotiated the Federation Treaty, a treaty between several early micronations (Is-Was, Has Been, Now What, USSM) all located in California. After leaving office as President, John Farr was elected as Vice President of West Who.  Working closely with his successor President William Farr, his major diplomatic achievements were establishing relations with other micronations; creating a West Who presence on social media and attending MicroCon summits in Los Angeles, USA; Atlanta, USA; Toronto, Canada, and Las Vegas, USA.


President John Farr 1971

Interesting Information

Republic of West Who -                      A happy place for everyone! 

Since 1969 West Who has been an independent nation, with citizens living in over 55 nations around the world.


West Who Intelligence Service, the world's smallest spy agency.  Check out the people who keep West Who safe.   



Check out the West Who Flag video on YouTube West Who National Anthem


Horton Hears a Who is the favorite reading book of West Who children.     

MicroCon 2019 in Canada was attended by 44 micronations including West Who, check out the video of events MicroCon 2019


The West Who Space and Planet Exploration Agency - Can West Who put a person on the Moon?

What is a micronation? Watch this HBO/Vice News story and find out. It features MicroCon 2017 an international summit of micronations, including West Who. 


West Who ID cards are available to citizens for $35 US dollars or ($175 West Who dollars).  Contact the Ministry of Citizen Affairs for more information. Instagram West Who
MicroCon 2019 former President Farr

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The Whoville News is a member of The Micronational Press Council which is responsible for promoting good standards of media practice, community access to information of public interest, and freedom of expression through micronational media.


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is located in Denver, Colorado
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